Are you having difficulty controlling your blood pressure?

As many as 40% of adults in Nigeria are hypertensive, and majority are not even aware. Of those who are aware only about 20% have their blood pressure adequately controlled. The goal for treating blood pressure is to get the levels to 130/80mmHg or lower. (130 systolic, 80 diastolic). We are concerned about poorly controlled […]
Are you supposed to hear your heart beating?

The human heart starts beating from 4 weeks gestation (sometimes even before the woman realizes she is pregnant) and doesn’t stop till death. The average heart beats 90,000-130,000 times a day and we don’t even notice it! However in some instances, we become aware of our heartbeat; we either hear it as a “thumping sound” […]
Antibiotic Abuse

Every day in Nigeria, millions of people are taking various antibiotics, popularly known as “capsule” for a variety of illnesses ranging from fever to headache, diarrhea, body pain, common cold, malaria, birth control, constipation to name a few. In fact there is a “capsule” for every disease one can imagine- red and black ones, yellow […]
3 fitness hacks you can try out of the gym for maximum results

So you want to get healthy, you have been told by your doctor that daily exercise has to be a part of your routine. OR you read it somewhere that exercising is one of the ways to live a healthy life and. But wait!!! How on earth are you going to fit 30-35mins of exercise […]